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Winterize Your Water System

Click here for some tips on how to protect your water pipes from freezing this winter.
Our Mission is to enhance the quality of life for Rogers Water Utilities customers by delivering high-quality water and dependable service that exceed customer expectations; protecting and ensuring a long-term water supply for future generations; and serving as responsible stewards of public health, utility resources, and the environment.

When is my bill due, and how can I pay it?

Choose the best payment method for you

  • In the office 8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday 
  • Drive-Thru 8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday 
  • By mail*:
    P.O. Box 338
    Rogers, AR 72757
    * Make checks payable to Rogers Water Utilities. Please include account number 
  • Drop box at the Drive-Thru 
  • Pay by phone – (877) 469-2524 * No Convenience Fees *
  • Online via the Account Management Portal – Including autopay and one-time payment options * No Convenience Fees *

Bills are due upon receipt and are considered past due after the due date listed on the bill. A 10% penalty for late payment is assessed after the due date and service is subject to disconnection 30 days after the bills are mailed. It may take up to 48 hours to reconnect service that has been shutoff due to non-payment.

If I have a sewer stoppage what should I do?

Call the sewer department immediately at (479) 621-1142 before you call another service professional. RWU will determine if the cause of the stoppage is on the private system or the sewer main.

What do I do if I have a question regarding my trash bill?

Call Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) at (479) 878-1384. Their office hours are Tuesday-Saturday 8am – 5pm

Rogers Pollution Control Facility Improvements

Rogers Water Utilities is pleased to announce the construction of Phase II of the Solids Handling Facility at the Rogers Pollution Control Facility.

This project will benefit the community by greatly improving the ability to process materials removed from the wastewater (i.e. “biosolids”) by thermally drying the materials to form a marketable, nutrient-rich fertilizer product. Drying the biosolids product also facilitates economical hauling of material outside of the Osage Creek / Illinois River Watershed, which ultimately improves water quality in the receiving streams. This process complies with the accepted Watershed Management Plan developed in accordance with the Clean Water Act. Construction of upgrades and improvements to the Rogers Pollution Control Facility are financed by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The CWSRF program is administered by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Division with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and State of Arkansas.

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